Tuesday 20 March 2012

Day Seven: Four turn offs.

1) Smoking
I have had a strong hate of cigarettes ever since I was smart enough to think. They cause diseases to not only the smokers, but also the people around them and harms the planet. It burns your hard-earned money away and gives you stench and yellow teeth. In conclusion, smoking is the biggest turn off for me - even as a close buddy.

2) Ignorance
 Yes, I'm guilty of this sometimes, but that is why I need someone who is not ignorant so that he would educate and lead me to the path of wisdom and awareness. Other than knowledge, ignorance towards others is also a crime! You need to be sensitive towards others' feelings. Do not shove your views down their throats and disregard their arguments and opinions at whim! And please, do not insult and wish badly of the admiration of the other parties in front of them blatantly even if you dislike said object of admiration. (Personal experience)

3) Rudeness and bossiness
As I've said before, I absolutely admire chivalry and courtesy. Be a gentleman, sweetheart. Else gals will flea away from you like you're the plague. Don't boss me around as I too have my integrity and you have no right to control me. And even if you want me to do something for you, use "please" and ask nicely.
Respect others so that you too are respected. 

4) Unkempt self
Alright, I'm not one to judge a person by his or her looks. However, do this for your sake and your health, please. Long nails have germs and you'll suffer from a tummy ache. If you don't wash your face, things will grow. If you don't wash your hair, it will smell so bad that birds will die. Give yourself a warm(or cold, depending on your preference) shower and get your self cleaned. Scrub into all those problem areas, shave (or at lease trim it every now and then). Smelling nice and looking wonderful gives you a bonus, take my word.

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