Thursday 22 December 2011

Away. [Long ver.]

She has a wish.

What would it feel like?
She wonders.

How would the wind feel against her skin?
Will she ever be able to taste the snowflakes?
Can she ever play in the warmth of the summer?

Questions unanswered are left clutter her head.

She has a dream.

To be able to step outside and have fun,
To be able to take chances,
To be able to be free.

Daydreams fill her colourful mind that was fading away as days pass.

Every morning, when the nurse pulls the drapes, joy would fill her empty heart.

Behind the glass, revealed the sights of the life around her.
The life she'd never got a chance to live.

Mixtures of happiness and envy would appear in the pit of her stomach,
Followed by dread and dismay.

Though, she loved every minute of it.
For that was that was the only time where she could actually feel alive.
Where she actually feels like a human being.

As day goes by and nightfall arrives, she falls into greater despair.

The nurse walks in, and pulls down the drapes,
Concealing the world from her eyesight,
Trapping her in the prison they call a room.

But see, even during these times, our little lady doesn't merely stay glum and whine.

No, she closes her eyes,
Deleting the dreadful surroundings around her.

Then she sees it.

A large medow, filled with the fresh green of grass, and refreshing blue of the sky.
Flowers were blooming here and there,
Releasing a pleasant smell, which nurtures her heart and calms her shredded soul.

Her paradise.

She'd take a few steps and wander around the land,
Slowly taking in everything with all of her senses.

Then, she would encounter a tree.

Tall and mighty,
There it stands, strong and proud.

The shade provided by the magnificent tree was were she'd rest and watch the life around her brimming with joy and happiness waltz around without a care in the world.

Every single day of every single week,
She would come to her wonderful world.

She would stay there for 15 minutes, or maybe three hours.
She would relax quietly, or sing and dance playfully.

That was how she was able to withstand the long and hard days of suffering and pain.
 That was where she could run away.
That was all hers.

And for a while, it stayed that way.

Though, as she aged, the world she created slowly came crumbling down.

She gained strength, 
She gained power.

She fought her illness with all her might,
And succeeded.

Her victory was shared with all the creatures in her land.

They celebrated it and threw a big party fit for the warrior who overcame the disease that was said to be of no cure and escape.

She could finally live a normal life now just like all the other kids.
And she did.

She made friends, who were there by her side.
She went to school, and got good grades.
She was happy.

Now she no longer needed a place to run away to.
She no longer had a reason to visit that land.

Her paradise was soon forgotten by the one person who once cared about it the most.

So just like that, the little girl had grew up.

Time flew by.
Now she's a fine young woman.
At the peak of her life.

But there was something wrong.

Her illness came back.

One day as she was driving, her chest started to burn and compress.
She had a coughing fit.
And got into a car accident.

Who would have thought that after all these long years,
She'd end up in the same hospital, in the same room.

She was said to have to stay in there for 3 months.
She accepted her fate resignately.

A day passed.
Then two days passed.
Then a week.
And then a month.

Yet, no one came to visit her.
Not a single person.
Not her friends nor her workmates.
No one.

Her parents were long gone, and she had family issues with the rest of her family members. She was all alone.

Somehow, her days were just like back then.

She'd wait for the nurse to pull the drapes,
And watch as the patients play at the hospital park.

The nights were very lonely for this little missy here.

There was no longer her paradise that she could escape to.
In fact, she doesn't even remember much about it.

But at that moment, she'd do anything to go back to the land where she once belonged.
She wished for someone. Anyone.
To take her away.


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