Saturday 10 December 2011

My legs... they're crushed...!

Last time I went to Fafrina's house, which was about a week ago, when I was rummaging her drawers, she took out her jump rope and asked me how to jump. Then she told me about this girl who achieved her dream body by jumping 1000 times a day for 2 weeks, I think.

About three days ago, I found that good ol' trusty jump rope of mine and decided to give it a go. The first day, I tried jumping about 50 per go and took a break every time I finished a go. [The break was watching Soul Eater episodes on Youtube]

I managed to do 1050 jumps. 

So, then I went to sleep, and the next morning, my legs were so freaking sore! I couldn't walk properly, and could barely even stand without pain.


Since I am such a persistent bastard, I tried to jump 1000 times again that day. That time, I jumped 100 times per go, and after reaching 1000, I went and took a cold shower - which felt so fucking good. ( = A =)

Then yesterday, I split the 1000 jumps and did 600-ish in the morning and continued the 400 in the evening. The 400 jumps were pretty fun since I jumped out in the front porch with my sisters and music was playing. Managed to do 1114 that day! :D

Honestly speaking, skipping is serious business! My calves are freaking sore, and I still can't walk without pain. They hurt so much!! ( T A T)

I think I'm building muscles in my legs. They feel like rocks when you touch 'em!

Let's just see what happens after a week...? 

If I still can walk until then.


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