Sunday 4 December 2011

Post of Nothingness!

Yo, minna-sama! ( = w =)

Pardon for the ...odd? post yesterday. = ="

I promise ya, that I WILL - and by that, I mean WILL!! - write a real post about my stay at Fafrina's house and about my trip to the MPO, LATER. sigh, procrastinating yet again...

Now I just want to rant, if you don't mind? 
But in any case that you do, please, go ahead and read anything else here...? I dunno? Do something else? What? You don't know what to do? Fine, I'll give you some suggestions.

Choose your own adventure(?!)

If you like [MUSIC] - click here.
If you like [MANGA]- click here.
If you like [ANIME] - click here.
If you like [DRAMAS] click here.
If you like [MOVIES] click here.

There, I'm done. Enjoy!

Now, back to my rant...

I really, really wish that we had some sort of device in our heads that'll record every single one of our thoughts and then print it out when we need it. Y'know? 

'Cause, most of the time, really really great ideas for posts, fics and other stuff come to me at such random times. And I'm not always prepared every single time so that kinda sucks. Bad.

Or, or maybe if we installed some sort of gadget that allows us to take a photograph of what our eyes see by just blinking once. I mean, say, you want to take a picture of the moon since it looks so big that night. But when you grab your camera and snap a shot, the moon looks like an itty bitty wittle dot. =A=

AND! If you're driving, and you see a really awesome piece of scenery and want to take a picture of it, you could always just blink and BOOM! we have a prize winning picture just like that. 

Sigh, if that was possible, it would be so freaking cool. ( = 3 = )

...I'm really missing that wireless keyboard of Fafrina's. It was awesome! TAT

I feel empty now, alone with this computer here. 
Lonely~ I am so lonely~ All on my owwwnnn~~ Wooaaaah~!!

Oh crap, now Akon's song is stuck on my head. (= _ =" )

"Woke up in the middle of the night, and I noticed my girl wasn't by my side."
^I accidentally memorized that song. And yet, I still can't remember anything school related. BEH.

Mom wants me to go to a tuition centre or something. Because next year's the big exam~! Whoop-de-doo~! *sarcastic*

I told her about the tuition centre where Fafrina was going, but she said that it was too expensive. I agree with her. RM600 for 4 subjects?! WHAT THE HELL?! 

If tuition costs THAT much, I'm not going. I'll be my own tutor and prove to my parents that I could pass with flying - no, blasting! - colours if I actually tried. I mean, I'm not a genius or anything like that, but when you think of it, we all have the same brain (-ish). 

The only thing that separates the clever from the stupid is effort.

Which is why I think I'm kinda stewpid. You know why? Because I don't try. I study only when there's an exam, and I don't even do my homework. No, seriously. I hate homework. Since I was 9(-ish). 

I remember one time, when I was 12, I didn't do my homework the entire semester. And then when the exams came, I got last and dropped from the 1st class to the third one. Then, because the teachers didn't know me and my not-doing-homework habit, I started to do my homework. And then when the next exam came, my grades rocket-boosted. 

But honestly, I don't think doing homework is all you need to do to get good grades. 

I mean, revision is the real deal. 

As you probably figured it out, I do not like to study - specifically, the things people expect me to study. So, obviously, I ain't gonna do my revision. If we add that, and the not-doing-homework-ness, we get that I don't ever open the text books at home, therefor, the only way of getting information into my head is by listening to what the teacher is saying in class.

Now, I have a really short attention span and I tend to zone out a lot. So, the information I now possess is very limited. Thus, explains why I failed so terribly when I was 12.  

Geh, I want to sleep now. 

Fafrina's bed was so fucking comfortable. She had a duvet, I tell you, a duvet. My bed don't even have sheets, due to my maid who likes to wash them, but doesn't like to put them back on, and myself who doesn't really care for things so trivial as to that. 

But still, that duvet was awesome. I want. So bad.

She had an air conditioner... Oh my God, a freaking air cond. =A=
Meanwhile, in my house, it's like the deserts. 

I downloaded the SketchBook Express app!! It's so freaking awesome!! :DD
But my ver. has limited access, unlike Fafrina's jailbreak-ed one. For example, mine could only use a maximum of three layers while hers is unlimited.

I want to jailbreak this thing so much. >A<

Wanna see what I drew using Fafrina's iPad? 


First drawing using her SketchBook thingy

Kinda screwed the leg..
Fafrina's foot, aha. =w=

Fave thing to draw. >.>

Her arms are crossed! = 3 =

That's her handwriting. d(--w--)

Derpy, derpy, DERP!

Imma go have lunch now.

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