Wednesday 21 December 2011

Comic Fiesta 2011 [Part :: 2]

Finished the 24th volume of Fairy Tail a few minutes ago. Now I'm ready to continue! :D

Let me just show you more pictures we took:

Cosplayers posing in the middle of a huge sea of people.

People! People everywhere! =A=

I wonder how she withstands the heat in those...

Musheeroom's scared of this dude right here. >D
Hey look! Sealand's in the background! :D


I know her! I really do! ...I just can't remember = =;

We walked around some more and suddenly, there was this dude who cosplayed as Youtube. Yes, youtube. Take a look:

Youtube dude!

 At around 1.50-2.13(-ish) they announced that we had to wait until 3.30pm if we want to buy any tickets because the hall was too full at the moment. Disappointed, my mother almost wanted to quit, but I was stubborn and convinced her to let us wait.

In the meanwhile, we walked around some more to find more cosplayers to take pictures of. While walking, I saw a pole. And not just any pole, no. Shizuo Heiwajima's signature pole! I was stoked! Dragged Musheeroom and the rest and made them ask for a picture. I'm shy, but do not underestimate my ability to make people do things. >D

From left: Orihaya Izaya, Kishitani Shinra, and my fave, Heiwajima Shizuo from DRRR!

To this date, I still can't believe I got their pictures! OwO
I'm happy. Very very very happy.
Just love the Shizuo cosplay! He looks hot~! Also, I think I've seen the Izaya cosplayer somewhere. I don't remember where, but I know I've seen her. Maybe at the C2AGE thing?
Ah well.

But I'm actually quite jealous of Musheeroom now. Cause when we were taking a picture with them, the Izaya cosplayer rested her arm onto Musheeroom's and made it seem as if she was going to slit her throat. VERY JEALOUS for some reason... ! D<

Anyways, we decided to take a break and head to where my mom was resting. On the way, we saw this really awesome Kakashi cosplayer. When I say awesome, I really mean awesome. As in awe-inducing. It was that good.

I didn't know Kakashi knew how to text... = 3 =

Kakashi's real! He exists! 0A0 ~<3

Then, we walked further. There was this crowd in front of us taking picture of something, so we went there to check it out. It was another cosplayer!

I think this guy's cute.

I wanted to come closer and maybe take a picture with him (I think it's a him), but my little sister was too scared and dragged me away before I could object. Which was a huge bummer. (  = 3 =)

She was more scared of the guy above than this guy right here:

Alien vs. Predator cosplayer!

I especially loved how all the parents were pushing their kids to play with this guy.

Being dragged by a 6 year-old is never all that fun - not if she's your sister who is also the state of the art brat. Now for some reason, she has a weird liking to the Youtube dude, so she wanted to take more pictures of him. Had to go through lots of people and walk a long way stalking him - that guy moves a lot (= _ = ;).

Look at all the people. Look at it!

Finally managed to catch up to Youtube dude. And John Lennon! :D

He really looks exactly like John Lennon! I was so surprised! But Musheeroom was waaaay more excited about it than I was which lead to her dragging me to take a picture with her and "John Lennon". She even gave an excuse like so, "Come on! For memories! I'll be moving next year, remember?" or something like that. Damn her and her cheap tactics. = =;

Anyways, we continued to walk around and take more pictures until around 3pm where we all gathered to line up in front of the entrance. 


More pics of this cosplayer group! =w=

I'm not sure, but I think that's Akaito in the BG. I think!

Dead Master! And there's Miku and Oga Tatsumi in the BG!

Lego dudes! :DD

Don't you think she looks pretty cute? =w=

I'm strangely attracted to these guys. For some reason. Oh, and Gumi in the BG!

We queued for almost an hour-ish until this one guy appeared with a megaphone and announced that apparently, buying tickets won't be possible at the moment due to the hall being so full and yada yada. He said that if we wanted to wait, go ahead. But there was no guarantee that tickets will be able to be sold in the end.

I was so disappointed. This thing almost ruined my whole year - well, what's left of it. My mother proposed we watched a movie instead to make it up for it. But I knew a movie wasn't going to lift my spirits. Not the least bit.

Everyone else was already following my mother, except for me. I went up to her and said that if we leave, I'll be taking the money she gave me earlier which was meant to be pocket money at the event. Earlier, she said to not spend them all. 

When I said that, she stayed silent for a while until finally giving in with a nod. So, we walked away from the entrance and headed back into KLCC. 

Suddenly, Musheeroom saw the doors began to open and called me out. I was seriously surprised. It was like a miracle to me. We informed the rest in a rush and hurried to join the crowd who were squeezing their way into the building. 

I made Musheeroom run towards the ticket counter where we got the 3rd-4th in line. Then there was this woman who came up to us asking if we wanted to buy tickets. The group in front of us were all "YES." 

So they got to go buy tickets first at a counter beside us. Then, the lady turned to me and asked if we were next. We said yeah, and just like that, we got to buy tickets. Just like that. After almost giving up, a few minutes later, we have tickets around out wrists and were lining to go into Hall 5. Just like that. Miracles do happen, I guess.

The tickets! Guess which one's mine?

Oh, and when we waited outside, my aunt took this picture:

"I'll pay anything, just turn me back into human! I don't want to be a zombie!"

Gasp! Bribery! 0A0
Lol, JK. Whoever this guy is, props to him. Those special effects on his body looks so gory and life-like. I almost wanted to touch them while he wasn't looking. ( = 3 = ) Eheh.

This is what Hall 4 looked like. The place where we bough the tickets and had to line up to enter Hall 5 which was beside it.

Turns out, Musheeroom's fave character from Vampire Knight was standing right beside her. Apparently, she's a huge fan of the guy. She was fangirling like I've never seen her before and was practically begging for my aunt to ask for a picture.

Zero Kiryuu. The guy who could make Musheeroom swoon.

Well, that's all for now. Please look forward to the next part! :)


1 comment:

  1. Hey! I just stumbled upon your blog and enjoyed your CF posts. It's been nearly 1/2 year? lol
    Anyway, the pic with the legos is actually Servbots from Mega Man :)
