Friday 16 December 2011

My trip to a 5 year-old's birthday party!

To be honest, this happened quite some time ago - I was just too lazy to post about it. But because my mother has finally sent the pictures to me, I can finally show you! :D

It was a Sunday, I think. 27th November. (I'm just guessing - . -)

I knew no one there except for the owner of the house and their kids. It was pretty awkward since I had no one near the same age range of me - well, not as far as I knew. Throughout the whole party, I was just sitting at the sidelines, watching all those little tots playing around.

Then, there was this small table where the kids could do sand art. A little kid was sitting there all alone, having trouble with his sand art-piece-thingy. He was so cute~! Such a cute kid!! <3 

Anyways, I jumped in to the rescue, and we were doing sand art together for almost an hour. That is, until it was time to cut the cake.

The cake.

 A while after they cut the cake, we had to head back home, and well, that's all that I actually remember. Not much happened, really. But it was fun and the kids were so cute. So very cute! I wanted to just huggle them all! ( =///= )

Oh, and I made a card for the birthday boy: 

That was when I had yet to cut my nails. =_=


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