Tuesday 27 December 2011

Comic Fiesta 2011 :: Loot!

There was so many stalls there that were selling all sorts of things! I was getting dizzy just by looking at them all. ( @ 3 @ )

If I could, I would've bought truckloads of things! But alas, money doesn't grow on a tree in my backyard - nothing grows there, really... >_> so there wasn't much that I could get my hands on. 

After browsing all the stalls at least once, we all then decided which specific stall to go and buy the said items that we wanted. Musheeroom bought a really cool Death Note keychain with L on it. No, no. I mean really, L - the letter. I'm not sure how to explain, but it looks really cool.

She also bought two badges - one with Len and the other was the "Keep calm and move on" badge we found from one of the booths that sold Hetalia things.

Meanwhile, the usually stingy cheapskate person that I am suddenly turned into this compulsive greedy shopaholic who doesn't understand the value of cash. Suddenly all the anime merchandise seemed to be more precious than the life of my non-existent wallet. (I really don't own a wallet. Put my cash in this sweater-like phone holder that was originally for my non-existent phone. Yes, I also do not own a handphone.) 

Anyways, here's all the things that I bought. Goodbye, O' precious money. Hello new stuffs!

Close up!:
A bookmark of Japan drinking tea
Canada-kun (Who? XD) and Kumajirou sleeping.

I'll use these forever!

Hetalia badges! I bought every single one there was left.

I don't know what got into me when I bought these.

I like the Spain one~!

These two are also my faves :3
Gilbert and Break badges. Lovely, aren't they? ~♥

America, Russia and Germany with their mochis!


I don't remember how much I spent, but what I'm sure of was that I didn't spend more than 70. BUT! I regret nothing! I'm happy. =w=


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