Sunday 25 December 2011

More shopping this week!

Today was the second day in a row I went to Sogo in KL. The traffic jam was quite annoying with stupid people not following the rules and just driving like they own the place. I was enraged and complaining out loud but was ignored by everyone in the car.

This time, only four of us went because my father had things to do.

Anyways, we arrived and marched right into the sale zone flooded with fellow humans whose sizes vary. Since both my younger sisters have bought their bags, bottles and whatnot, they had less to work with. Meanwhile I, had to start from square one.

Now, I just love shopping for stationery - they're probably my favourite non-cloth thing to shop for, next to anime merchandise and things like that. BUT! The selections this time was really boring. I loved last year's selections better. 

So bla bla bla, my baby sister throws a tantrum despite being 6, bla bla bla, wait for several lifts but turns out all of them were full, bla bla bla.

We went to the women's floor next to buy my tracksuits and undergarments. Another one of my favourites, bras. I admit it, they're probably the only clothing item that I actually enjoy shopping for. Perv.


We paid for everything, and went to the lift and waited. There was this banner at the wall with pictures of food that looked so good. After much persuasion, we managed to get mom to go to the food court and eat.

We sat at this thai-like place. I ordered tomyam fried rice and honeydew juice because I thought that the juice would cool me down if the rice turned out to be more than I could handle. The juice arrived moments later and turns out it wasn't the kind of juice that I'd expected.

It was creamy and milky - I dislike milk and creamy things, therefore this was like, torture.

The meal arrived, and we ate. And guess what? It was DELICIOUS.

Though, it was a bit hard to eat because of the heat and spiciness. After a few spoonfuls, I glanced at my cheap ol' wristwatch. It said that it was 8-something.


Of course I was schocked! It didn't feel that long! I asked my mom to check hers but she disregarded my request and just stated that yeah, it's probably 8. I didn't believe her and started to look for windows or whatever to see if it was dark out. There were no windows. 

You could see how little trust I have towards my wristwatch, huh? 

Turns out, it was right and I was the one in the wrong. I'm sorry, my wristwatch. =_=

Afterwords we went home and practically collapsed onto the floor as soon as we reached home due to fatigue. What can I say? 'Tis was such a tiring day!


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