Saturday 24 December 2011

It's that time of the year...

The new year's right around the corner - which means that the new school term is also inching closer by the second. After a whole year of studying and going to school, my things have become worn out - most of them have also seemed to disappear...

Now, to welcome the upcoming new year, to celebrate a fresh new start, and to rob my parent's money to the fullest, it's time to start shopping for school supplies and stuffs!

Nah, I'm just kidding. I'm not gonna rob my parent's money okay, maybe just a little.

Today we went to Sogo in KL in hopes to finish our shopping in one go. By we, I mean the whole family. So, all five of us headed out at around 9-ishAM and drove for about 45 mins? Maybe 58 mins at max. 

Spent a bit of time at the ATM before splitting up at the 5th floor - where the sale was going on. My father went to the men's floor to buy some new shirts while the rest of us began our shopping.

First, we had to go buy school shoes. I go to a school with uniforms - as do most (if not all) the kids in Malaysia. 

Anyways, this part really sucked. I hated this part the most. 

For one thing, there were too many people. I know you think that that is to be expected since school's coming up and with the sale going on and whatnot, but no, I don't mean the customers. There were too many people at the sides in case we wanted help. 

Now I don't know about you, but in matters involving my feet or any other body parts of mine, I'd rather not really have so many people around bugging me and following me around asking if I needed some help. Also, I have a sort of fear when surrounded by people and not to mention the awkwardness of mine. Plus, they didn't look the least bit approachable!

I, unlike most females I know (Musheeroom), actually hate shopping for shoes. I think it's very annoying how you have to try on a pair and ask for a size and keep trying them on and the agonizing process goes on for hours! It's infuriating! Oh, and yes, Musheeroom loves shoes - mostly cool looking sneakers and stuff like those. Maybe I should get a pair for her birthday next year...

Anyways, I was undeniably fussy on my quest for the perfect pair of school shoes - two pairs, to be exact. I wanted it to be lightweight, and to fit snugly onto my feet without being too tight. I wanted something practical with no annoying designs like those stripes on the side or weird looking shapes and whatnot. 

Unfortunately, what I wanted was actually too much to ask. I mean, duh, who wouldn't want a simple pair of shoes that has easy application (is that the right word?). No, complex design and impossible to wear-ness are much more important and will appeal to the market more. 

Seriously. I think the fashion trends that are the "rage" in kids within my age range are as annoying and stupid as it can get. It's flashy and unbearably asshole-like - or for girls, just extremely obnoxious. But that's just my opinion. Can't say that everyone who buys them behave like that. IT'S JUST THAT IT'S FRUSTRATING FOR ME.

It's frustrating because I only wish for a simple design that fits the purpose and compliments the shape of my feet. Not some extravagant accessory strapped onto it like there's no tomorrow. TAT

But! After walking for a while and LOTS of patience from my mother, and also a handful of trolls to the helpers, I finally found a pair that fits half of the qualities I listed as the perfect shoe. 

Also, thanks to buying the said shoes, I got a really cool USB for just RM12 and something cents.

Afterwards, my father joined us as we headed to the uniform section. My sisters had already chosen their bags and bottles and stuff while I, had only two pair of shoes after two hours since we arrived.

Buying the uniform wasn't much of a hassle compared to the shoe search. I already knew what size I was wearing so the only important thing was to search for a comfortable fabric - which resulted into me buying different brands for the skirt and the baju kurung.

The only bad part of the whole thing was that each time I wanted to ask for my mother's help, she was too busy with my little sisters to even glance at me. And when she did glance at me, she'd glare and scold me, telling me that I was a big girl already and I should be able to help myself.

Well, mother, for your info, I CAN help myself. It's just that to help myself, I need to talk to the helpers. And I don't want to do that! 

Managed to figure out a way somehow, but that took me too much time and I ended up only being able to buy two sets of uniforms, two pair of shoes, and a few socks - WHICH, I must tell you, is from Germany. Yay for German socks! :D

My sisters all got their bags, pencil boxes, bottles and bla bla bla, thanks to my mother helping them. 

We went for lunch and then went home where I sulked because I was ignored the whole time during the shopping trip.

Mother said that we had to continue shopping tomorrow, but I don't want to go~~ =A=
I want to sleep. I want to finish watching Soul Eater. I want to just laze around the house, doing nothing before the new year starts and I have to take my studies seriously.

But ah well, that's how life is. You can't have everything you want. Tough there are some things you want that can be yours. For example, I want sleep, so I shall have sleep. 

Goodnight now. =w=


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