Wednesday 21 December 2011

Comic Fiesta 2011 [Part :: 1]

Right, I'm finally uploading them pictures and posting about it today. Woot!

So let's begin!

That day, I woke up way too early after sleeping quite late. But for some reason, I didn't feel the least bit tired. In fact, I felt superb. I felt as energetic as my sister on coke. 

After getting ready and waiting for what seemed to be forever, my mother finally said that it was time to head to Musheeroom's house and pick her up. And just like that, the next thing I knew was we were all in the car, all five of us (Me, mom, 2 lil sis and Musheeroom), heading to KLCC for my first visit to this ACG event.

Once we got there, I was bouncing - well, not literally, but I felt like jumping. I felt like running around shouting, "HAA!! HERE I AM!! COMIC FIESTA!! I'M GOING TO COMIC FIESTA!!"

But of course, I didn't.

Instead, we all headed to KFC, like normal people. I saw a few cosplayers along the way. It made me more and more excited.

We ate and waited for my two aunts who came a few minutes afterwards. I got to see lots of different people in the restaurant. I saw people of all colours, genders, races. Apparently, there was a few Japanese dudes who stood behind us at the line to the cash register and also a couple of Korean-speaking black dudes sitting by the sink. They were awesome.

Mom lead us to where they said Comic Fiesta was held at. Saw a couple of cosplayers here and there along the way.

Then we entered the waiting line to buy tickets. Everyone was shocked at how far away the end of the line was. But I wasn't really that shocked - I'd expected something like this.

The end of the line was WAAAAAAAAAAY back here.

We waited. And waited. And waited.

At some point, someone informed my mother that there was something near her foot. 

Turns out it was a sort of caterpilar..?

What species is this thing?

In a sort of twisted way, it looks cute. (  = 3 =)

So we observed this... thing? Well, at least I did. For quite a decent amount of time too. Watched it until it was climbing up a tree somewhere beside us.

Then... Stein appeared..!! When I saw his figure walking towards us, suddenly I hear myself saying -in quite a loud voice- "STEIN!"

I managed to attract the attention of a few people around me, but I acted like I didn't care - because I really didn't. The only thing I cared about then was taking a picture of that awesome cosplayer of one of my fave characters from Soul Eater, Dr. Stein.

But the problem was, I was too shy to actually ask him for a picture. So I coaxed my aunt to ask if he'd let us take pictures of him - and with him. He agreed! I was so happy, and excited, and just bursting with joy. DR. STEIN! Even if he was only a cosplayer, I still love him for going as Stein. That guy has earned my respect forever.

Awesome cosplay of Dr. Stein from Soul Eater.

We thanked him, and he said it's fine. Gwah~ Such a nice person... TvT  And went ahead to line up at the end. My eyes were stalking him until the end. Creepo...

The waiting continued. But this time, I didn't have the caterpillar(?) to keep me from dying of boredom. 

A couple of cosplayers and their cameramen walked by and it looks as if they were doing a photo shoot. Musheeroom and my sister wanted to see them so bad and managed to get my aunt to go with them to where the photo shoot was going on. 

They took pictures while I was watching from afar, guarding our place in the line with my mother and other little sister.

Didn't know who they were at first. But then my sis suddenly remembered.

Babydoll and Sweet Pea from Sucker Punch.

I must admit, they do look pretty cool...

After a while, we continued to line up as we did earlier. 

When we finally move from this sort of deserted brown lifeless piece of land and onto the concrete, we saw more and more cosplayers walking by and taking pictures.

Then, we finally see "The crowd".

When I say "The crowd" I really do mean a crowd. A real one.

Frankly speaking, during that time, I didn't even care to see how crowded it was. I was blinded by the awesomeness of the cosplayers around me to give any sort of care to the enormous amount of crowd.

I don't remember how they did it, but they (Musheeroom, my sis and aunt) managed to persuade me into following them and exploring the wide range of cosplayers, leaving my mother, her sister and my sister to stand in the line. Come to think of it, that was kinda horrible of me. Gah, I'm sorry! (  = A =)

But I regret nothing!

Pictures we snapped:

Kyoya and Tamaki from OHSHC. ( = w = )
I don't know who they're supposed to be, but they look awesome!

I got really excited when I saw these two! :DD
Keima and my fave, Yui! From TWGOK.

Kaito X Miku. Cantarella ver.

After walking around, my sharp eyes caught sight of a very familiar white flag. And holding it, was none other than Italy from HETALIA!!

I will dedicate a specific post for the pictures of Hetalia cosplayers I met later.

Aanyways, while we were walking there, we heard someone playing a Hatsune Miku song. Turns out, it was this guy:

This guy has so much win. *A*

Well, it looks like I have to go now. I'll continue in another post later.
Goodnight, all. 


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