Thursday 22 December 2011

Plot bunnies! Come to mama!

Finally! For the first time in my life, I am finally able to attract them plot bunnies! Yahoo!! :D

All this while, I was always looking at those talented writers all over the Internet. They always seem to have these fluffy creatures bothering them in their field of thoughts. 

Meanwhile, I was always here, trying to lure one of these bunnies into my own field. But unfortunately, the weather and grounds were too unsuitable for these kinds of creatures to survive. So, never once has a plot bunny bounced into my territory.


The night before I went to Comic Fiesta!

I was too excited that I couldn't sleep. So, I took out my notebook and started writing some random stuffs. That random stuff, turned out to give me some sort of inspiration. And so, a plot bunny was born! Yay!

So, please wait for me to post something from these new fluffy plot bunnies that I had managed to capture. I would love to hear your opinion.

Also, the Comic Fiesta 2011 post might be delayed for a bit, so yeah...(  = 3 = ) 
C'est la vie, I guess? 

Today, I was able to finish reading Fairy Tail until chapter 253. I feel so proud. TvT
Absolutely love the characters in it. <3

So, that's it for now. I'll be sleeping.


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